NEWS: Grand Canyon R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R Attempt

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018, I will start for a solo attempt to cross the Grand Canyon eight (8) times: R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R. Or in other words: a quadruple double-crossing. To the best of my knowledge, this has never been attempted. There may… Continue Reading

NEWS: Area Man’s Frontal Lobe Too Degenerated for Him to Realize He Is Too Old to Set Washington PCT Record

On Sun, Jul 22, 2018, I plan to start for a self-supported Fastest Known Time (FKT) attempt of the 505-mile (813km) Washington Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) section. I will start at the Canadian border and—in the rather unlikely case things… Continue Reading